Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay about Ethical Issues of Human Cloning - 2729 Words

The word cloning is commonly used in everyday communication to mean many different technological procedures. Cloning is more specifically defined as somatic cell nuclear transfer. Simply explained by Glenn McGee in his article Primer on Ethics and Human Cloning as the starvation and subsequent implantation of DNA from one organism (e.g., cells specialized to make that organisms hair or milk) into an egg whose DNA nucleus has been removed. The resulting egg and nucleus are shocked or chemically treated so that the egg begins to behave as though fertilization has occurred, resulting in the beginning of embryonic development of a second organism containing the entire genetic code of the first organism, (........).This method was first†¦show more content†¦For example, cloning all star athletes could make the perfect team to annihilate the competition at championship year after year. The devastated could once again hold their lost loved ones in their arms. On a more extreme leve l, an army of unstoppably strong, fierce, and firm clone soldiers could be created to fight and secure our freedom. As appealing as this sounds, there are unwavering qualities that shatter this reverie. A clone is nothing more than an exact copy of the original beings genes. And genes determine nothing more than appearance and make up. Moreover, genes do not determine us as humans entirely. Our raising, environment, experience, trials and errors, mold us into the psychological unique beings that we are. This fact stands true in both humans and animals. A tangible example of already existing evidence lies in those of identical twins. Both have the same DNA yet it becomes apparent as the twins develop that they remain very different in personality. Since twins are raised mostly together in the same environment with the same discipline and still grow into two entirely different people proves that it is more likely that clones would be even further different than their original copy. (. ...) confirms this by saying since environment has a profound influence on development, human clones likely would be different in terms of personality and other characteristics, (.....). He goes on to boldly say, becauseShow MoreRelatedHuman Cloning And Its Ethical Issues1194 Words   |  5 Pagesarguments in the world about human cloning and its ethical issues. In an issue there will always be pros and cons, but the question is, is this experiment right for humanity? This paper will give in detail about what is cloning, human cloning and how it is done. It will provide my point of view in this topic and two other different arguments from both sides of the issue and finally determine which ones are great arguments. 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